The Warlord combines leadership with strength, leading their men to victory by example. The most noted Warlords have risen from among the horse masters of High Dar and the surrounding Tablelands in Southern Pax Thallos. A master of butchery or bravery the Warlord is sometimes confused as being evil and heedless due to their methods, a tactic they depend on heavily when facing most foes. Some Warlords are beacons of bravery, inspiring their army to amazing victories. One thing is for certain, when a Warlord’s standard can be seen across the field, be somewhere else. The most obvious Warlords come from the ranks of Barbarians and Fighters, Rangers are not uncommon. All other classes are rare additions to the Warlord way of life.
Hit Die: d12
Requirements: Power Attack, Leadership, Base Attack +5
Class Skills: Acrobatics (DEX), Climb (STR), Craft (INT), Diplomacy (CHA), Handle Animal (CHA),
Intimidate (CHA), Ride (DEX), Swim (STR)
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.
Level |
Base Attack |
Fort Save |
Ref Save |
Will Save |
Special |
1 |
+1 |
+2 |
+0 |
+0 |
Standard, Butcher or Brave, Battle Courage 1/Day |
2 |
+2 |
+3 |
+0 |
+0 |
Butchery or Bravery 1 |
3 |
+3 |
+3 |
+1 |
+1 |
They That Follow |
4 |
+4 |
+4 |
+1 |
+1 |
Rousing Speech |
5 |
+5 |
+4 |
+1 |
+1 |
Butchery or Bravery 2, Battle Courage 2/Day |
6 |
+6 |
+5 |
+2 |
+2 |
Glorious Standard |
7 |
+7 |
+5 |
+2 |
+2 |
Demand or Command |
8 |
+8 |
+6 |
+2 |
+2 |
Butchery or Bravery 3 |
9 |
+9 |
+6 |
+3 |
+3 |
Fortress of Spirit |
10 |
+10 |
+7 |
+3 |
+3 |
Contagious Courage, Battle Courage 3/Day |
All the following are class features for the Warlord
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Warlords gain no weapon or armor proficiencies.
Standard: Upon obtaining 1st level, the Warlord has created a personal standard. This flag or banner is not a magical item but reflects the Warlord’s character and leadership. All allies of the Warlord within 120’ of the Warlord’s standard gain a +2 morale bonus on will saves. The standard must be displayed in a manner that an ally can see for this effect to take place. If the Warlord's standard is ever destroyed, lost or stolen the Warlord can create a new standard by taking one day in any settlement and spending 10 GP. Whenever a Warlord replaces their standard their leadership score is reduced by 1.
Butcher or Brave: Upon obtaining 1st level a Warlord decides to influence their followers through Butchery or Bravery. This choice is permanent once made, and effects how their future abilities function.
Battle Courage (Ex): A Warlord is a conduit for courage. Once per day, as a swift action, they can call upon this reserve to increase their physical power. The Warlord temporarily gains a +4 morale bonus to strength and temporary hit points equal to two times their Warlord level. The Warlord may also act as though they have the Combat Reflexes feat, however they use their new strength modifier instead of their dexterity to determine the number of extra attacks of opportunity they can make. Battle Courage lasts a number of rounds equal to the Warlord’s strength modifier. The Warlord can use this ability a second time at 5th level and a 3rd time at 10th level. At 5th level the morale bonus to strength increases to +6, at 10th level the bonus to hit points is equal to three times their Warlord level. If the Warlord already has the combat reflexes feat, the additional attacks afforded by this ability stack.
Butchery or Bravery (Ex): At second level the Warlord’s reputation for butchery or bravery become well known.
Butcher: If you drop an opponent to -1 or fewer hit points using a power attack, all enemies within 30’ suffer a -1 morale penalty to attacks, damage and saves for a number of rounds equal to your Warlord level. Multiple penalties do not stack. This penalty increases every three levels after 2nd level to -2 at 5th level and -3 at 8th level.
Brave: If you drop an opponent to -1 or fewer hit points using a power attack, all allies within 30’, including the Warlord, gain a +1 morale bonus to attacks, damage and saves for a number of rounds equal to your Warlord level. These bonuses do not stack. The bonus increases every three levels after 2nd level to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 8th level.
They That Follow (Ex): Merchants are more willing to deal with a Warlord's followers, at 3rd level you are able to buy equipment, food and lodging for your followers at a discounted rate. You can purchase non magical weapons, armor, equipment, food and lodging for your followers at 50% of the core rulebook price.
Rousing Speech (Ex): Warlords are known for their ability to inspire armies. At 4th level the Warlord may perform a rousing speech once per encounter as a full round action. All allies that can hear the Warlord speak gain a +1 morale bonus to armor class and attack rolls. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until the Warlord is dead.
Glorious Standard (Ex): Upon obtaining 6th level the Warlord can create a glorious standard in any settlement for a cost of 100 GP, the Warlord can utilize both standards at the same time if they choose. This flag or banner is not a magical item but reflects the Warlord's renown and reputation. All allies of the Warlord within 120’ of the Warlord’s Glorious Standard gain a +10’ morale bonus on base speed. The glorious standard must be displayed in a manner that an ally can see for this effect to take place. If the Warlord's glorious standard is ever destroyed, lost or stolen the Warlord can create a new one in any settlement by spending 1 day, at the cost of 100 GP. Replacing a glorious standard reduces the Warlord's leadership score by 1.
Demand or Command (Ex): Certain results are expected from certain leaders. At 7th level the Warlord’s followers are accustomed to their rule.
Demand (Butcher): A Butcher Warlord leads best when their followers obey their orders. They Demand obedience. At 7th level the Warlord can ignore the leadership penalty for cruelty and for causing the death of a follower, but not for causing the death of a cohort.
Command (Brave): A Brave Warlord leads by example. At this level all allies of the Warlord who are within 120’ of the Warlords standard, or glorious standard, that can see it, are immune to fear and fear effects.
Fortress of Spirit (Ex): At 9th level the Warlords followers are willing to perform the ultimate sacrifice, any follower or ally of the Warlord may continue fighting while at negative hit points until dead. However they suffer a penalty to attack rolls equal to their negative hit point total.
Contagious Courage (Ex): At 10th level a Warlord is not only a conduit of courage, they can also supply it to nearby allies. Whenever the Warlord activates their Battle Courage, all adjacent allies also gain the benefits of Battle Courage.