The Orange Adept is a name awarded to those who study the arcane teachings of Belgos the Orange Wizard, a master of Alchemy and Metamagic. Orange Adepts study at one of the Towers of the Master, of which there are five. The largest Tower is in Kelterran, where Belgos himself teaches his most apt pupils. Other Towers can be found in Dana, Bourne, Tel-Rink and Cribus.
The most obvious class to join the ranks of the Orange Adepts are Wizards, however some Sorcerers and Witches have been known to join.
Hit Die: d6
Requirements: Craft Alchemy 5 Ranks, Brew Potion, any Metamagic Feat
Special: Must be admitted at a Tower of the Master. (See Below)
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Knowledge Arcana (Int), Fly (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Craft (Int),
Profession (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.
Orange Adept
Level |
Base Attack |
Fort Save |
Ref Save |
Will Save |
Special |
Spells per Day/Known |
1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+2 |
Brew x2 |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
2 |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+3 |
Potion Bomb, Brew Potion 4th |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
3 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+3 |
Master Alchemist |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
4 |
+2 |
+1 |
+1 |
+4 |
Fast Drinker |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
5 |
+2 |
+1 |
+1 |
+4 |
Brew x3, Contact Potion |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
6 |
+3 |
+2 |
+2 |
+5 |
Brew Potion 5th |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
7 |
+3 |
+2 |
+2 |
+5 |
Liquid Knowledge |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
8 |
+4 |
+2 |
+2 |
+6 |
Potion Accuracy |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
9 |
+4 |
+3 |
+3 |
+6 |
Brew x4 |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
10 |
+5 |
+3 |
+3 |
+7 |
Potion Master, Brew Potion 6th |
+1 Level of Existing Arcane Class |
Class Features
All the following are class features for the Orange Adept Prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Orange Adepts gain no weapon or armor proficiency.
Spells per Day: An Orange Adept continues advancing in arcane spell casting ability. Thus, when a new Orange Adept level is gained the character gains new spells per day (and spells known if applicable) as if he had gained a level in an arcane spell casting class to which he belonged to before adding the Orange Adept level. He does not, however, gain any of the other abilities of that class (such as familiar advancement.) If the character belonged to multiple arcane spell casting classes they chooses which class to advance in when they gain a level.
Brew x2: One of the first lessons taught at the Tower of the Master is how to quickly brew potions. At 1st level an Orange Adept can brew two potions in the same amount of time it would take them to brew one.
Potion Bomb: An Orange Adept can place any spell with an effect of burst, emanation, spread, sphere or cylinder into a potion. They may throw a potion containing such a spell as a ranged touch attack, with the same rules and consequences as throwing a splash weapon found in the Core Rulebook Pg. 202. Except that the radius of the effect is based on the radius of the spell. And that the range increment is 20’ with a maximum of 5 range increments.
Brew Potion 4th: As the Orange Adept grows in power they learn to surpass the normal limits of potion brewing. Beginning at 2nd level an Orange Adept can brew potions of 4th level spells following the rules of the Brew Potion feat in the Core Rulebook. Pg. 119
Master Alchemist: At 3rd level the Orange Adept has Mastered the craft of Alchemy and can apply metamagic feats to Alchemical items. The new base cost of the item is: original Alchemical item base cost x level increase of the metamagic feat x 2. For example, a flask of alchemist fire altered with maximize spell would cost 20 GP (Base price of Alchemist Fire) x 3 (Levels Maximize Spell increases spell level) x 2 for a total of 120 GP.
Fast Drinker: At 4th level an Orange Adept may take a full round action to drink two potions. The second potion drank does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The first potion provokes an attack of opportunity as normal. Alternately an Orange Adept may drink a single potion as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Brew x3: At 5th level the Orange Adept has become so efficient at brewing potions that they may now brew up to three potions in the same time it would take them to brew one.
Contact Potion: At 5th level the Orange Adept can alter potions so that they bestow their effect upon contact. This must be chosen at the time of creation and does not alter the price of the potion. However, the potion will not work if consumed. The Orange Adept can then use the potion with the same advantages and disadvantages as throwing a splash weapon. Except that the range increment is 20’ with a maximum of 5 range increments.
Brew Potion 5th: As the Orange Adept grows in power they learn to surpass the normal limits of potion brewing. Beginning at 6th level an Orange Adept can brew potions of 5th level spells following the rules of the Brew Potion feat.
Liquid Knowledge: By 7th level the Orange Adept has seen every magical liquid known at the Temple of the Master. An Orange Adept can now identify any magical liquid as a full round action without making a spell craft check.
Potion Accuracy: At 8th level the Orange Adept is a master at hurling potions, they can treat any potion or liquid filled object they throw as though they have Precise Shot even if they do not meet the prerequisites for the feat. If the Orange Adept already has the Precise Shot feat they gain a +2 to hit with any thrown potion or similar item.
Brew x4: At 9th level the Orange Adept has become a master at brewing potions. They may now brew up to four potions in the same time it would take them to brew one.
Potion Master: At 10th level the Orange Adept has been taught the most advanced secrets of potion mastery. The Orange Adept may now apply any metamagic feat they know to a potion they create so long as the modified spell level does not exceed the Orange Adepts Brew Potion level.
Brew Potion 6th: As the Orange Adept grows in power they learn to surpass the normal limits of potion brewing. Beginning at 10th level an Orange Adept can brew potions of 6th level spells following the rules of the Brew Potion feat.
Admittance into the Order: Admittance into the Order of the Orange Adept is open to anyone who can pass the tests. What this boils down to in game terms is that the player wishing to take levels in the Orange Adept prestige class must visit any of the Towers of the Master and submit themselves to testing. Over the course of three days the player is subject to various tests which gauge the player characters Craft Alchemy skill, potion brewing ability and application of metamagics. If the player shows at least the base level of skill required to join this prestige class they are admitted. Their name is recorded in the roll of students and they are presented an Orange robe. They are welcome at any Tower of the Master and in fact must return to one every time they wish to advance in this class.