The following traits replace specific racial traits gained at character creation. They may only be selected at character creation. Consult with your DM before selecting any of these new options. Multiple alternate racial traits may be selected, if they replace different racial abilities.
Human: Humans are vastly more numerous than any other race on the continent of Tharstelding, their exposure to culture and other races grant them a multitude of racial traits beyond those described in the Core Rulebook. Below are the most common alternate racial traits.
Quasi Lingual (Ex): Humans from the most densely populated areas of Tharstelding often hear a smattering of alien languages. You can understand part of any language you do not know, this is generally confers itself as understanding common nouns and/or every other word as long as the topic of conversation is not too complex, subject to DM discretion. This ability replaces the skilled trait.
Low Born (Ex): The lower caste always has a knack for local knowledge. You gain a racial bonus to knowledge local skill checks equal to your level, furthermore knowledge local is always a class skill for you. This racial trait replaces the Skilled racial trait.
Versatile (Ex): Humans of Draconspire are known for their versatility and ability to adapt. You gain a +1 bonus to any ability score and a +1 bonus to any other ability score, each day when you wake up you may assign these ability bonuses to any two abilities but never to the same ability. This bonus replaces the standard +2 bonus to a single ability that a human typically gets.
Cautious (Ex): You have a knack for survival. Before you take a withdraw action you may take a five foot step. This racial trait replaces the Bonus Feat racial trait.
Mountain Dwarf: Mountain Dwarves live deep within their dwarf holds and often develop traits befitting their various cultures. Below are the most common alternate racial traits that Mountain Dwarves select upon character creation.
Trial Survivor (Ex): Your endeavors within the Heman Dal and the Trial have honed your martial skills against the aberrations of the deep, you gain a +4 dodge bonus to your armor class against aberrations and a +1 attack bonus on attack rolls against them. This racial trait replaces the Hatred and Defensive Training racial traits.
Glint Eye (Ex): The deep places of the world often educate those that dwell within them of the treasures that they hold. You gain a racial bonus to all appraise checks equal to your level, furthermore appraise is always a class skill for you. This replaces both the Greed and stability racial traits.
Dwarven Runt (Ex): Just as with humans, not all members of your race are of average size. You gain the small size racial trait. This ability replaces the medium size trait. You retain the slow and steady racial trait in addition your base land speed remains 20’.
Stone Hearted (Su): Cold as the stone beneath the face of Tharstelding, you gain damage reduction 1/Cold Iron, this replaces the Hardy racial trait.
Full Braided (Ex): Dwarves are known for their beards and hair, but your bloodline takes it to another level. You hair is coarse and naturally protective. Your natural armor is increased by 1. This trait replaces the Hardy racial trait.
Hill Dwarf: The cavernous halls of Rombfissle and other Hill Halls holds are wrought with danger. Below are the most common alternate racial traits for Hill Dwarves that have been adapted to survive the Hill Halls and Burrowdowns.
Candle Trick (Su): While some of your kin focus on illusion and trickery, you have mastered the Candle Trick. You can cast light at will, with a caster level equal to your class level, however the spell must be targeted on one of your fingers. This ability replaces the Gnome Magic racial trait and does not require a minimum ability score.
Tunnel Roll (Ex): In the tunnels of your homeland you have learned to move through tight spaces safely. While prone, you may move 5’ as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. This ability replaces the hatred and defensive training racial traits.
Potion Thirst (Su): A hearty appetite for drink has trained your body to respond to potions, but has also dulled your senses. When drinking a potion you may act as though the caster level of the potion is equal to your character level. For example, if a 5th level Hill Dwarf were to drink a potion of cure light wounds it would heal them 1D8+5. This ability replaces the Hill Dwarves keen senses racial trait.
Blazon Haired (Sp): Your wild hair color and ties to the fey world provide you with a spell like ability based upon the color of your hair and provided that you have a charisma score of at least 11. This ability replaces the Keen Senses racial trait and has a caster level equal to your character level. If the spell like ability allows a saving throw the DC is equal to 11 + your charisma modifier. You may use this spell like ability an additional time for every 5 class levels you obtain to a maximum of 5 times at 20th level.
Blue: 1/Day Chill Touch
Green: 1/Day Color Spray
Red: 1/Day True Strike
Orange: 1/Day Burning Hands
Purple: 1/Day Magic Missile
Yellow: 1/Day Shocking Grasp
Thirvolan: Thirvolans are a nomadic race, they often adapt to those that they encounter in order to survive. Below are the most common alternate racial traits that develop among them.
Social Creature (Ex): Some Thirvolans are naturals at social interaction, a Thirvolan that selects this racial trait gains a +2 racial bonus to all charisma checks and skill checks that are based on their charisma score. This ability replaces the +2 racial bonus to charisma the Thirvolan gains at character creation.
Prehensile Tail (Ex): Your tail has become stronger than is typical for your kin, at the expense of your claws. You can hold a light weapon with your tail and make a secondary attack with it as part of a full attack action. This attack is made at -5 from your highest attack however you may only apply ½ of your strength modifier to damage dealt. This trait replaces the claws racial trait.
Cat Eyes (Ex): Your eyes are better adapted to the dark then those of your kin, you gain dark vision to a range of 60’, this ability replaces the scent racial trait.
Dull Witted (Ex): Your wits are slow, but not at the expense of your senses. You gain a -2 to your intelligence. This replaces the standard -2 to your wisdom.
Reg’ostran: Reg’Ostrans have learned to survive after the destruction of their homeland Kal by adapting to the world of men. Below are the most common alternate racial traits that develop.
Artistic (Ex): Arts are almost unheard of within your race, however you have decided to take up this mantle. You gain 1 rank in any craft skill and skill focus as a bonus feat for the selected craft skill. This ability replaces the Reg’ostran’s feat of strength racial trait.
Forager (Ex): Living around humans for so long you have learned to salvage for food in places that others wouldn’t dream to look. You gain a +5 racial bonus to survival checks made to provide food and/or water for yourself or others. This ability replaces the racial +2 bonus to climb, swim and acrobatics.
Strong Willed (Ex): Being more stubborn then your other kin is not always a bad thing, sometimes being a hardheaded Reg’Ostran can get you out of a pinch. You gain a +2 racial bonus to will saving throws against fear effects. This bonus replaces the feat of strength racial trait.
Long Limbed (Ex): Not all of your kind are stocky and powerful, some are lanky and quick. You gain a 10’ racial bonus to your land speed. This ability replaces the powerful build racial trait.
Fendus (Wood Elf): Wood Elves of the Greatland forest and Far Leaf are by far the most numerous of elves in the world of Draconspire. The bond between the forest and elves sometimes manifests itself in other ways, below are the most common alternate racial traits for Wood Elves.
Leaf Skinned (Ex): Your bond to the forest in which you were born manifests itself upon your skin in the form of leafy patterns, this confers itself as a +4 racial bonus to the stealth skill when in wooded or similar areas. The bonus increases to +8 at 10th level. This ability replaces the Wood Elf’s Elven Magic racial trait.
Canopy Eyes (Ex): The tallest trees can see far, and your eyes are honed in the canopies of your woodland home. Your lowlight vision is replaced by superior low light vision, you can see four times as far as a human in areas of low illumination. This racial ability replaces the Low Light Vision and Elven Magic racial traits.
Master Hunter (Ex): Naturally, being born in the woodlands provided you with the opportunity to master your hunting skills, you gain proficiency with the longbow (including composite longbows) and gain a +1 competence bonus on all attacks made with a longbow. This ability replaces the weapon familiarity racial trait.
Green Veins (Ex): Your bond to the forest allows you nourish yourself. This ability allows you to forgo eating on any day that you spend at least an hour in areas of sunlight. This ability does not replace your need to drink fluids. This replaces the keen sense racial trait.
Bissix (Swamp Elf): Vast distances separate the swamps that these elves call home, and the harsh terrain quickly weeds out the weak while the adaptable survive. This sort of isolation often breeds alternate types of swamp elves, below are the most common.
Ichor Blood (Ex): Your blood is foul to most carnivorous creatures, if a creature hits you with a bite attack and then attempts to perform a grab maneuver it must first succeed on a will save DC = to 10 + ½ of your hit die + your constitution modifier or its grab maneuver automatically fails. This ability replaces the Swamp Elves Low Light Vision racial trait.
Webbed (Ex): Your bond to the swamp has manifested itself in the form of webbed feet. You gain a +4 racial bonus to all swim checks, this racial bonus increases to +8 at 10th level as you develop webs between your fingers. This ability replaces the Swamp Elf’s spell like abilities at 1st level, and removes the Swamp Elf’s missile weapon bonus at 10th level due to the webbed finger development. If you do not have the racial bonus to missile weapons due to another racial trait you do not gain the additional +4 at 10th level, and you do not grow webs between your fingers.
Opossum Trick (Ex): Watching the defensive tactics of swamp life can teach you how to survive the most dire of circumstances. As an immediate action you can enter a state of paralysis for a duration of rounds selected at the time you use this ability. During the allotted time you fall prone and appear dead, only a perception check DC 30 can notice a pulse or slight breathing that takes place during the allotted time. You cannot end this effect before the selected duration has expired. This ability replaces the Swamp Elf’s Amazing Vision.
Scum Skin (Ex): The swamp is a slippery and slime ridden den, your bond to it has left you slick as well. When in danger your skin secretes a slippery mucus, this confers itself as a +2 racial bonus to all escape artist checks. This bonus increases an additional +2 for every 5 class levels obtained to a maximum of +10 at 20th level. This ability replaces the Swamp Elf’s spell like abilities.
Karsol (Mountain Elf): Mountain Elves are known for their strength and endurance. Hardy as the lofty peaks that they call home, it is not uncommon for the occasional Mountain Elf to adapt traits that reflect their homelands.
Earth Bond (Su): You shed the most vile spittle of the earth, as though it were water. You gain acid resistance 5, this resistance does not stack with other abilities or spells that grant acid resistance. This ability replaces the Mountain Elf’s damage reduction.
Granitecast Hide (Ex): The mountains grant their boon to those born among them in many ways, they have granted you skin hard as granite, capable of turning the nastiest of wounds into the smallest of scratches. Once per day, when struck by a missile or melee weapon, you may treat the dice rolled for damage as though the die result/s were all 1s. You cannot use this ability on a critical hit made against you. You may use this ability a second time per day at 10th level. This ability replaces the Mountain Elf’s damage reduction ability.
Heart of Stone (Su): The longevity of the mountains has instilled itself in your bond, once per encounter when dropped to negative hit points you immediately become stable and on your next turn heal 1D4 hit points. This ability replaces the Mountain Elf’s damage reduction ability.
Rock’s Endurance (Ex): Bonded to the mountains you have been instilled with part of their stamina. You gain Endurance as a bonus feat, this ability replaces the Mountain Elf’s naturally productive and grey sheen racial traits.
Sessul (Plains Elf): Plains Elves are far spread across the face of Tharstelding, being second only in numbers to Wood Elves. Some Plains Elves develop a special bond to the sky while others have trained extensively with Star Knives.
Sky Bond (Su): Your soul crackles with the power of the sky and of the clouds. You gain electricity resistance 5, this resistance does not stack with other abilities or spells that grant electricity resistance. This ability replaces the Plains Elf’s racial run feat.
Wind Spirit (Su): Your bond to the plains allows you to fly over short distances. Once per day as a free action you gain a fly speed equal to your base land speed with average maneuverability, this ability lasts 1 round. In addition, you may add Fly to your list of class skills. This ability replaces the Plains Elf’s run racial feat.
Cloudless Sight (Su): Your bond to the plains allows you to see things as clearly as a cloudless day. For one round per day equal to your character level you may act as though under the effects of a see invisibility spell. Activating this ability requires a swift action, the rounds of use may be consecutive or split up as the user requires. This ability replaces the Plains Elf’s enhanced speed racial trait, Plains Elf’s without enhanced speed have a base speed of 30’.
Starknife Mastery (Ex): You have mastered the Starknife at the expense of your archery. You gain a +1 racial bonus to hit and damage with any Starknife you use, you gain proficiency with the Starknife. This ability replaces the Plains Elf’s normal racial weapon proficiencies.
Tezvarnen (Desert Elf): Elves born in the harsh deserts of Tharstelding sometimes develop bonds that further enhance their ability to survive. The rare Badlands Elf draws strength from the surrounding desolation and can even boost his physical resistance for short periods.
Fire Bond (Su): Your bond to the scorching earth of your birth grants you the ability to withstand the most intense heat. You gain fire resistance 5, this resistance does not stack with other abilities that grant fire resistance. This ability replaces the Desert Elf’s racial endurance feat.
Badlands Elf (Ex): Born in the Badlands your bond manifests itself in many ways like a Desert Elf, but not every way. You gain a +2 racial bonus to your wisdom and strength, and a -2 to your dexterity. You gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to your class level plus your constitution modifier, at the beginning of each encounter you may decide to add as many temporary hit points from your pool to your hit point total as you desire however these temporary hit points are removed at the end of the encounter, your temporary hit point pool refreshes each day at dawn. These abilities replace the standard Desert Elf’s ability score modifiers and the Desert Elf’s Sand Step ability.
Boiling Blood (Ex): Your blood burns with such intensity that those that strike you in combat can be damaged. Every time you are struck in melee combat by a non-reach weapon your opponent takes 1 point of fire damage as they get sprayed with your hot blood. This ability replaces the Desert Elves racial +4 bonus to survival checks.
Sun Skin (Ex): Your skin has developed a natural resistance to fire. Anytime you are subject to fire damage which allows a reflex save for half damage you instead ignore all damage on a successful save, you still take full damage on a failed save as normal. This ability may not be used while flat footed. This ability replaces the Desert Elf’s Amazing Hydration and Sand Step racial abilities.
Qweldint (Shadow Elf): Often shunned and misunderstood, Shadow Elves bond to the dark forces of Tharstelding. This can manifest itself in terribly powerful fashion, below are the most common alternate racial traits that a Shadow Elf can develop.
Dampened Soul (Su): Your bond to darkness allows you to shed the damage of magic better then lesser races. Whenever you take elemental damage (cold, electricity, fire, acid) from a spell or spell like ability you reduce the amount of damage taken by 1 per die of damage rolled, this ability can reduce the effect to 0. This racial ability replaces the Shadow Elf’s +2 racial bonus to saving throws against spells and spell like abilities.
Shadow Tongue (Ex): Your bond to darkness leaks into your speech. You gain a +2 racial bonus to bluff checks, this bonus increases to +4 at 10th level. This ability replaces the Shadow Elf’s Shadow Guard racial ability.
Shadow Magnet (Su): Shadows cling to you like water. You gain a +2 racial bonus to stealth checks, this bonus increases to +4 at 10th level. This ability replaces the Shadow Elf’s +2 racial saving throw bonus to supernatural and spell like abilities.
Quick as Night (Ex): Darkness instills itself within you, making you swift as shadows. You gain a +2 racial bonus to reflex saving throws. This ability replaces the Shadow Elf’s +2 racial saving throw bonus bonus to supernatural and spell like abilities.
Vendar (Aquatic Elf): Being an island continent, Tharstelding has its fair share of Aquatic Elves, including Oceanic Elves. Similarly those born under frozen surfaces may develop a rare bond with ice.
Ice Bond (Su): Your soul is fused in the cold winters of Tharstelding. You gain cold resistance 5. This resistance does not stack with other abilities that grant cold resistance. This ability replaces the Aquatic Elf’s poison adaptive racial trait.
Landwalker (Ex): You have adapted to living on both land and water. You no longer need to make fortitude saves while out of water. This ability replaces the Aquatic Elf’s water spell casting bonus and decreases their racial swim speed to 20’.
Oceanic Elf (Ex): Born in the Ocean, your bond to the waves manifests itself much like a normal Aquatic Elf, but not in every way. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom and Dexterity and a -2 penalty to Strength. You begin play as medium size and have darkvision to a range of 60 feet. These racial abilities replace the standard Aquatic Elf’s racial ability modifier, low light vision and small size.
Gill Fist (Ex): Your fists are as relentless as the waves of your home. Your unarmed attacks deal damage as though you were medium sized. This ability replaces the Aquatic Elf’s racial weapon proficiencies and +1 bonus to casting water based spells.
Halfblood: The rarest of races that inhabit all the lands of Tharstelding. Halfbloods are often genetic miracles that owe their existence to the adaptability of their elven mothers.
Weak Bloodline: Your halfblood lineage manifests itself in ways other than physical ability. Select any 3 racial traits at character creation from either your mother or your father’s racial trait list, at least 1 trait must be from each racial trait list, the 3rd racial trait may be from either racial trait list. You cannot select either racial ability score traits when using this alternate racial trait, however you may gain racial ability score traits from other methods, such as the Halfblood Pedigree feat.
Talented Bond: Your halfblood lineage manifests itself in a beneficial way. You gain a bonus feat for which you meet the prerequisites, select only 1 racial trait from the list of your mother or father instead of the Halfblood’s two racial traits.
Halfblood Resistance (Ex): Your mixed bloodline makes you adaptable to your surroundings. You gain a +2 "floating" racial bonus to a saving throw of your choice, each day at dawn you may select which saving throw to apply your floating bonus to. Select only one racial trait at character creation instead of the standard two.
Halfblood Warrior (Ex): The halfblood bond manifests itself differently with each of its ilk. Your bond displays a level of martial training unmatched by other halfbloods. You gain martial weapon proficiency with all martial weapons, light and medium armor proficiency and shield proficiency. Select only one racial trait at character creation, not two.
Candari: The alien Candari are masters of the five senses, however some of their kind chose to focus on some senses while ignoring others altogether.
Colored Darkvision (Ex): Some Candari have honed their sense of sight beyond what any other races can imagine. When your sight is honed you can see in full color up to 60 feet. This racial ability removes any other sense from your Honing list.
Quick Honing (Su): You have learned to hone your senses quicker than other Candari. You may hone a sense in 1 minute instead of 1 hour following all other rules for Honing. This ability replaces the Candari’s Pure Focus racial ability.
Dexterous Combatant (Ex): You can manipulate weapons that you hold with your elongated fingers to take advantage of your enemies. You can now apply 1 point of your dexterity modifier to all attack rolls made with a melee weapon. At 10th level you can apply 2 points of your dexterity modifier to all attack rolls made with a melee weapon. This ability does not stack with weapon finesse and only applies if you have an appropriate dexterity modifier. This ability replaces the Candari’s Focusd Body, Focused Mind racial trait.
Local Resident (Ex): You have lived in Tharstelding your whole life and have developed a keen understanding of local customs and expectations. You can speak full common and lose your exotic appearance racial trait. This ability replaces the Candari’s Naturally Tactile racial trait.