



Karsol, also known as Mountain Elves, live deep within vast mountain ranges and atop high foothills. The largest concentrations are in the Spine, the Heman Dal, the Tunderpeaks and the Calemil Mountains. Karsol look much like the humans of the land in which they live, with a slight grey sheen to their skin, usually one must see the pointed ears to tell them apart from nomadic humans. Karsol are the only Elven race, besides possibly a Halfblood, that have facial hair. Karsol favor earth tones for clothing and often decorate their skin with tattoos. Karsol get along with Mountain and Hill Dwarves and sometimes integrate civilizations with those races. They do not care for lowlanders much, seeing other elves and humans as being below them quite literally. Karsol lean to the lawful aspect of ethics, living in well constructed stone cities and fortresses. Karsol care less about good or evil, they care about themselves and their kind, and all others second.